Border / Butta · 30/03/2023

Color Border butta sketch design art


Sure, here are the steps to draw a Color Border Butta Sketch:

Materials Needed:

  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • Eraser
  • Ruler
  • Coloring materials (such as markers, colored pencils, or paint)


  1. Start by drawing a square shape in the center of the page. Use your ruler to make sure the sides are straight and even.
  2. Draw a smaller square shape inside the first square. This will be the border of the Butta design.
  3. Draw a small circle in the center of the inner square.
  4. Draw four lines extending from the circle to the corners of the square. These lines will divide the square into four equal parts.
  5. Draw curved lines around each section of the square. These lines will create the Butta design. You can make the lines as simple or complex as you like, depending on your preference.
  6. Use your coloring materials to fill in the Butta design. Choose colors that complement each other and add depth and dimension to the design.
  7. Color the border of the Butta design. Use a different color or shade to make it stand out from the rest of the sketch.
  8. Add any additional details to the sketch, such as small dots or lines around the Butta design. These details can add texture and interest to the sketch.
  9. Once you are satisfied with the sketch, go over the lines with a darker pencil or pen to make them stand out.
Color Border butta sketch design art
Color Border butta sketch design art