Butta · 28/03/2023

Border butta sketch design art


Drawing a Border Butta sketch can be broken down into several steps:

Step 1: Draw the outline of the border

  • Start by drawing the outline of the border where you want to place the butta design.
  • The border can be a straight line or a curved shape, depending on your preference.

Step 2: Sketch the butta

  • Sketch the butta design within the border outline.
  • The butta can be a floral or geometric design, or a combination of both.

Step 3: Add details to the butta

  • Draw lines on each petal or shape of the butta to create texture and depth.
  • Add shading to the butta to create a sense of light and shadow.

Step 4: Draw the leaves

  • Draw the leaves surrounding the butta, branching out from the stem.
  • Each leaf should be drawn with a pointed tip and a slight curve.

Step 5: Add details to the leaves

  • Draw lines on each leaf to create texture and depth.
  • Add shading to the leaves to create a sense of light and shadow.

Step 6: Add Banarasi design elements

  • Border Butta usually has intricate design elements, such as small dots or geometric patterns, surrounding the butta and along the border.
  • Add these design elements around the butta and along the border to complete the design.

Step 7: Complete the design

  • Add any additional details, such as smaller flowers or buds, to the design.
  • Make sure all lines are clean and clear.
  • Erase any unnecessary lines or marks.
Border butta sketch design art
Border butta sketch design art