Here are the steps to draw a big mango with small flowers color fill sketch:
Materials Needed:
- Pencil
- Paper
- Eraser
- Coloring materials (such as markers, colored pencils, or paint)
- Start by drawing the outline of the mango. Draw a large, oval shape for the body of the mango and add a stem at the top.
- Draw the details of the mango, such as the creases and texture on the surface. Use your pencil to add small lines and dots to create a realistic texture.
- Draw small flowers around the mango. Use circular shapes and add petals around them. Make sure the flowers are small enough to not detract from the main focus of the sketch, which is the mango.
- Shade the mango with your pencil. Use light strokes for the areas that are in light, and darker strokes for the areas that are in shadow.
- Add color to the flowers. Use your coloring materials to fill in the petals of the flowers. You can use any color you like, but it is recommended to use bright colors to make them stand out.
- Color the mango with a bright, yellow-orange color. Use your coloring materials to fill in the body of the mango, and use a slightly darker shade to add shading to the areas that are in shadow.
- Add any additional details to the sketch, such as leaves or stems. Use your pencil or coloring materials to add these details as needed.
- Once you are satisfied with the sketch, go over the lines with a darker pencil or pen to make them stand out.