Butta / Big Butta · 04/04/2023

Leaf style bunch sketch design


To draw a leaf style bunch sketch, you can follow these steps:

  1. Start by drawing a stem with a light pencil. This will be the basic structure of your bunch.
  2. Next, draw the individual leaves on either side of the stem. For each leaf, draw a long, curved line that extends from the stem and tapers at the end.
  3. Add smaller lines to the main curved line to create the veins of the leaf. Draw several of these veins extending from the center of the leaf towards the edge.
  4. Continue adding leaves to the stem, alternating sides as you go. You can vary the size and shape of the leaves to create a more natural look.
  5. Once you have a few leaves on either side of the stem, you can start adding smaller leaves or buds to the bunch. Draw these smaller leaves or buds branching off from the main stem, in between the larger leaves.
  6. Use a fine-tipped pen or marker to trace over your pencil lines once you are satisfied with the design. This will give your sketch a more finished look.
  7. Keep in mind the color scheme you want to use for your sketch. For a more natural look, you may want to use shades of green or brown. Alternatively, you can use bright colors for a more vibrant look.
  8. Finally, add shading to your sketch to give it depth and dimension. You can use a combination of hatching and cross-hatching techniques to create the desired effect.
  9. Once you are done, you can erase any remaining pencil lines to reveal your finished leaf style bunch sketch.
  10. Don’t forget to sign and date your sketch to mark its completion
Leaf style bunch sketch design
Leaf style bunch sketch design