Here are the steps to draw a Banarasi Border Butta Sketch:
Step 1: Draw the Border
- Start by drawing the outline of the border.
- The border can be a straight line or a curved shape, depending on your preference.
- Add intricate design elements, such as small dots or geometric patterns, surrounding the border.
Step 2: Draw the Butta
- Draw a large circular shape or a paisley shape within the border.
- Divide the shape into smaller sections using lines and arcs.
- Add small circular shapes or dots within each section.
Step 3: Add Banarasi design elements
- The Banarasi border butta sketch usually has intricate design elements, such as small dots or geometric patterns, surrounding the butta.
- Add these design elements around the butta and along the border to complete the design.
- These design elements can be floral or geometric in shape.
Step 4: Add details to the Butta
- Draw small floral shapes around the circular or paisley shape to create depth and texture.
- Add small leaves and stems to the floral shapes to complete the design.
- Shade the butta and leaves to add depth and texture.
Step 5: Add additional details
- Add smaller floral or geometric designs within the border and butta to complete the design.
- Make sure all lines are clean and clear.
- Erase any unnecessary lines or marks.